Scent Stuff

Last updated: Feb. 2024


Over the past few years, I have been collecting, testing, and cataloging perfume samples. My interest in perfume began as a result of a small TikTok community that would recommend perfumes based on a specific aesthetic. Usually these aesthetics were ambiguous and intangible (e.g. “Do you want to smell like dark academia?”). I had always enjoyed nice smelling perfume, but had not considered the association with specific vibes. I started purchasing discover sets and logging my thoughts about them in a google sheet.

This datset can be found here.

For each perfume, I have an associated tier, notes section, color, and season. The tier section breaks down as follows:

  • A: “I cannot stop smelling my wrists when I am wearing this.”
  • B: “This is pleasant and I could see myself wearing it, but it’s not quite me.”
  • C: “I don’t dislike the smell, but I would not wear this.”
  • D: “I don’t like this smell.”

The notes section contains general scent notes as well as some associations between the perfume and other scents that come to mind when smelling the product. These associations are mostly general, but in some cases they are links to really specific personal memories of a certain smell.

The color and season categories nuance build off of the notes section by portraying the smell in a more aesthetic-aligned way. When testing a perfume, a color association is usually what comes most clearly for myself. On top of this, a connection to a certain season will help me to ground the notes and the color more specifically back to the actual smell itself. Sometimes the scent works in all seasons, while other times it just makes sense for one. A clear example for these qualitative metrics would be an orange-scented perfume. The notes might describe and “orangey smell” and the associated color might be some shade of orange, but a “summer” orange versus a “winter” orange most clearly connotes, say, a bright, citrusy perfume versus a warm, spiced orange perfume.

Given the innately personal nature of aesthetics and opinions on scent, it should go without saying that all of my reflections are super subjective. Sometimes my less positive opinions will come from literally getting a headache when I smell the perfume, but other times it’s just not my vibe.

Also, if you have any idea for brands or discovery sets that I should try, please let me know! I am not always consistently updating the list, but I always enjoy trying new perfumes.

Personal Favorites

As of the last update, here are some further thoughts on my current favorites (in no particular order):

  • Le Labo, Bergamote 22: Really pleasant masculine scent. The smell is great and is a favorite of my dad. I don’t generally wear this because, given my dad’s enjoyment, I just think of the smell as “his cologne” rather than the perfume itself.
  • Le Labo, The Noir 29: Darker green smell, deep bayleaf scent. Can sometimes be a bit strong, but great for a softer and darker scent.
  • Le Labo, The Matcha 26: Super bright, unique, a little tough to describe. I associate it most clearly to a skyblue, ~70 degree day.
  • Carthusia, Mediterraneo: Exellent lemon smell. Captures the citrus vibes really well.
  • Liis, Studied: Cannot recommend enough. Similar to Glossier’s You perfume, but less sweet I think. Always super nice to wear, and fitting for any occasion.
  • Diptyque, Philosykos: Probably Diptyque’s most popular scent, and for good reason. Potent fig scent. Really well done.
  • Byredo, Mixed Emotions: “Funky” is my best description of this perfume. Definitely spicier, maybe more masculine, but not in a traditional sense. I tend to wear this more in the winter, but it definitely has its utility in any season.
  • Byredo, De Los Santos: The orris note in this perfume evoke a really niche memory for some high-intensity lip balm from years ago — I have no idea the brand. The scent is unique, but also detectable in other perfumes with an orris note. Bright and clean.
  • Diptyque, L’ombre Dans L’eau: Not necessarily fruity, nor woody, just green. Citrus notes, but not overly sharp. Really fun to wear.